e-script is a simply way to give money to CHANGE through a money
back program. Just register your grocery, debit or credit
card online and every time you use one of your registered cards
CHANGE Elementary gets money back.
Example you buy a pizza at Round Table, you pay with your debit
card that is registered with e-scrip, and CHANGE gets 6% back on
your purchase. You can find out more and register at www.escrip.com.
Keep collecting those Box Tops. You can find them on items
like Cheerios, Kleenex and Fruit Roll-Ups.
NJB PTA utilizes the money earned from Box Tops for Education to
fund programs such as our community garden project, enrichment
programs and study-trips.
Register at www.boxtops4education.com
to start earning free money for our school. Log in
regularly to enter contests to benefit our school, order supplies
from a teacher’s wish list, or shop online at stores that
contribute a percentage of your purchases to John Smith.
To report your student’s absence, please complete this
webform or call the office at (916) 395-5240.
Read each option thoroughly and select the reason that best
describes your student’s absence. Please note that office staff
may call to verify as necessary.